
Six years ago my husband and I dreamed of this opportunity and sometimes it felt like it was never going to happen. As a fully engaged academic and administrator, the work, as much as he loves his job, never really stops. So it's time for a break, or what's known in academia as an administrative leave. This will be a year for finishing projects that have been on hold and for starting new ones. But more importantly it will be a hiatus from the daily routines and stresses of being a professor and head of department. Time to recharge, refresh, revitalize, plus I get my husband back. YAY! We'll have "just us" time. Time to relax and time to travel. We have always enjoyed traveling; whether it's camping in the Canadian Rockies, trekking along a dirt road in Paraguay, skiing in the Swiss Alps or taking a cruise down the Nile we enjoy it all. Different cultures, different places, new sights and sounds to discover, dropping into bed at night with your head full of new experiences. We love it! A few days here and couple of months there, we're excited to see where this year takes us. Our adventure begins in Berlin, Germany.

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